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Tufte : Yes We Map

Edward Tufte,grand maitre de la cartographie de l'information vient d'être nomé par Barak Obamaconseiller auprés du Recovery Independent Advisory Panel.


"The Recovery Accountability and Transparency Boardwas created by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 with two goals:

  • To provide transparency in relation to the use of Recovery-related funds.
  • To prevent and detect fraud, waste, and mismanagement.

Earl E. Devaney was appointed by President Obama to serve as chairman of the Recovery Board. Twelve Inspectors General from various federal agencies serve with Chairman Devaney. The Board issues quarterly and annual reports to the President and Congress and, if necessary, “flash reports” on matters that require immediate attention. In addition, the Board maintains the Recovery.gov website so the American people can see how Recovery money is being distributed by federal agencies and how the funds are being used by the recipients.

Mission statement: To promote accountabilityby coordinating and conducting oversight of Recovery funds to prevent fraud, waste, and abuse and to foster transparency on Recovery spending by providing the public with accurate, user-friendly information.”

C'est un tournant historique pour la mise en scène de l'information. Son principal "gourou" vient donc d'être nomé au coeur du dispositif américain d'intervention étatique pour mettre son savoir faire au service d'une volonté affichée de transparence.

Il faut cependant prendre date pour, dans quelques mois, évaluer la pertinence de son intervention. En attendant nous seront à l'affût des premiers livrables pour si Tufte, qui dispose d'une aura internationale, saura être prophéte en son pays.  

Sources :

l'article de Vizword

copie du communiqué officiel sur le site de Tufte

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